Bruno Sade

Five more neutral alternatives to “I deeply and completely accept myself”

Increasing your effectiveness with EFT, part 26. When we learn EFT, we are taught that the default “setup phrase” that we use while tapping on the side of the hand is: “Even though… I deeply and completely accept myself”. However, not everyone resonates with this statement or believes it to be true.  Here are 5 …

Five more neutral alternatives to “I deeply and completely accept myself” Read More »

What do we mean by “Emotional Freedom”?

Increasing your effectiveness with EFT, part 25. As I’m sure you know, EFT stands for “Emotional Freedom Techniques”. But what do we mean by “Emotional Freedom”? Is “Emotional Freedom” about never experiencing “negative” emotions? I don’t think so.  First of all, all emotions serve a purpose and contribute to our humanity. For example, anger can …

What do we mean by “Emotional Freedom”? Read More »

What to do if a memory shows up before you were done with the previous one

Increasing your effectiveness with EFT, part 24. In today’s article I want to talk about a question that I notice comes up all the time in the different EFT trainings I’ve attended: “What happens if we are working on a specific event and another one shows up before we have released all the unpleasant emotional …

What to do if a memory shows up before you were done with the previous one Read More »

This is what I want you to know about the process of doing EFT with me

Increasing your effectiveness with EFT, part 23. In today’s article I want to share some of the explanations I like to give to my clients about what it’s like to work with me using EFT. Maybe you’ll find them useful: What is it that EFT does? EFT works primarily on our unpleasant emotional and physiological …

This is what I want you to know about the process of doing EFT with me Read More »

How can we tell if a client’s neural pathways are activated during a tapping round?

Increasing your effectiveness with EFT, part 22. As I’ve mentioned before in Part 3 of this series and in my latest video about The Optimal Activation Zone, for EFT to work at its best we need to be “tuned in” while we tap. In other words, we need to bring the issue to our conscious awareness and connect …

How can we tell if a client’s neural pathways are activated during a tapping round? Read More »