Bruno Sade
Emotional Freedom Techniques
Video: How Much Do We Need to Dive into the Past with EFT?
The other day, one of my clients asked me how much we need to dive into the past with EFT to resolve our issues. She was wondering about this because she knew that other types of therapy often spend lots of time looking back at a person’s past. So today,
Video: How to Measure Progress in EFT – VOC vs SUD Explained
When it comes to measuring progress in EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) in a quantitative way, there are two complementary methods: “SUDs” and “VOCs.” It can be useful to know both, and to understand the difference between them. While these are valuable for quantitative assessments, it’s important to remember that qualitative
Explaining EFT: How It Transforms Feelings, Thoughts, and Actions
Increasing your effectiveness with EFT, part 93. Lately, I’ve been thinking about how to describe what EFT does, especially to someone who’s new to it. And here’s what I’ve been able to come up with, with some examples from my practice: Imagine there’s a way to shift how you feel