Increasing your effectiveness with EFT, part 88.
You might have heard that when it comes to doing EFT Tapping in order to make progress on our issues it’s very useful to work on “specific events”. However, sometimes it’s not so easy to identify them. In today’s article I’d like to share a tip about that, which is that a good rule of thumb is that if the event can be visualized as a movie scene or captured in a photograph, then it’s a tangible specific event. And, in that sense, a conversation with another person can be a great event to tap on, as long as this conversation brings up an unpleasant emotional charge when thinking about it now.
This conversation might have taken place in the past, or maybe it’s even an imaginary “future scenario” conversation. For example, if the issue you want to work on has to do with shame and self-judgment, it can be useful to imagine some of those “judgmental thoughts” being spoken by another person. As you imagine that conversation with them, you can tap on how that makes you feel.
The caveat is: don’t try to tap on many conversations all at once. Pick one: either one that has happened in the past, or one potentially occurring in the future (even if there’s a slim chance of it happening as imagined, as long as it elicits negative emotions, you can tap on it).
Remember that a good way to tap on this type of specific event is to always ask yourself before each round of tapping: what emotion or feeling is coming up now when I think about it? And why do I feel this way, or in other words, what part of the conversation/argument am I focusing on that is making me feel this way?
Here’s an example of how a setup statement might sound: “Even though I feel sad, remembering this argument I had with my girlfriend yesterday, especially when she said ‘you don’t seem like a happy person to me’, and I feel this sadness in my chest, this is just where I’m at right now”.
After one or two rounds, remember to stop and reassess for “shifting aspects”, meaning: are you still experiencing the same emotion, and is it related to the same aspect of the conversation/event?
And like I always say, if this seems too difficult to do on your own, consider enlisting the help of a certified practitioner like myself, or anyone else with whom you resonate. A trained professional can guide you through the process and tailor the techniques to fit your unique needs.
And that’s it for today! I’m Bruno Sade, a compassionate, open-minded clinical psychologist, and certified EFT practitioner. My approach is tailored to your individual needs and preferences, always respecting your experiences, beliefs, and background.
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